I want to … make sure I exit my business successfully  

Every business owner will one day exit their business. Some things can be planned, such as a trade sale or retirement and some may not be planned such as a dispute between the owners, total and permanent disability and death. Fortunately for the situations that aren’t planned, there are measures you can take to protect you and your family’s interest. Our role as advisers is to provide solutions for insurable events such as disability and death. We will bring together a team of professionals (lawyers and corporate advisers) to put together a plan that ensures your business and you are taken care of.


Have you considered:


  • Putting in place a business owner’s agreement to ensure that each owner protects the value of the business, maximises the value upon exit and have a contingency plan if one of the owners passes away or is permanently disabled, is terminally ill or has a traumatic event such as cancer?
  • As part of a business owner’s agreement is there a buy/sell agreement in place?
  • What the value or goodwill of the business is worth?


Speak to us today and we can help you put together your plan to help you achieve this and many of your other goals.

Let us know how we can help